ICED is a decentralized coalition of like-minded individuals and institutions that wish to promote and provide economic opportunities for anyone with access to a computer or smartphone, an internet connection, and a Crypto wallet or other payment method through what we like to call profitable philanthropy! Join Free!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has". - Margaret Mead
ICED is Merging the compassion of social services with the power and convenience of online income streams to stimulate the velocity (movement) of money to benefit as many people as possible.
While this mission may sound overly ambitious, our founder, Dennis Gerron, has actually been implementing these concepts in various ways for decades.
He has many years of experience in Economic Development, Vocational Rehabilitation, Social Work, Community Development, Violence Prevention/Peace Promotion, Substance Abuse Counseling, Criminal Justice systems, Fund Raising, Government Contracts, and other social services, as well as degrees in Social Work, Substance Abuse Counselling, and Rehabilitation Studies.
Dennis has served a wide variety of diverse youth and adult populations, as well as worked with numerous nonprofit, and government agencies! He has been a leader and pioneer at the forefront of many cutting edge initiatives in various social service environments. ICED is yet another example of his innovative, out of the box, thinking.
As the founder of his company, Social Development Systems (SDS) in 1996, Dennis has been researching, among other things, ways for people with disabilities to earn extra income from home for decades.
Dennis' research lead him to also become quite involved in aromatherapy, herbology, and other holistic approaches to better living and better health. He has even completed Master level attunemens in Reiki, but does not consider himself a Reiki Master, as such a title implies one has devoted their life to the practice, which he has not. But he is passionate about all things that can improve the human condition.
It was out of this passion and his insights into the economic challenges faced by individuals, businesses, nonprofits, communities, and government agencies, that he conceived the idea which is now ICED!
As a decentralized coalition, ICED is an expansion of what Dennis originated with SDS on a more diverse, team-oriented, and global level. At the same time ICED is a narrowing of the focus to specifically target economic needs.
You can learn more about the history and evolution of SDS, and ultimately the creation of ICED, at the "Read More" button below, but fair warning, his website is a work in progress. There is much editing and additional content still to be done. Read more
The Mechanics of Income for all!
Creating a better future by design is everyone's business!
Products and Services
ICED is an exclusive private membership, educational, training, advertising, and promotion site that teaches people and institutions how to make and raise money online. As a member you will be able to display other online businesses or social causees you wish to promote by using your banners and text ad credits, adding them to the Income Booster section in the members back office.
The strategy is simple; We help you identify ways to make money online, then we help you get traffic to your sites, and we provide connections to industry leaders who can help you grow your revenues exponentially.
We also added attractive payplans for those members who would like to share our expertise with others, or just let us build a team for them. You will receive earnings when members you referred purchase a membership package, subscription, or one of our ad packages. As a member of the Advocate and Ambassador Global Economic Development Teams you can even earn without ever referring anyone, depending on the teams activity. More on that below.
ICED believes that the world does not suffer from a money shortage problem. Poverty and economic struggles exist not due to a shortage of money, but rather, due to poor, or unequal, distribution of available resources.
Zig Ziglar perhaps summed up the solution to this problem best with his famous quote;
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want!"
ICED addresses this challenge head on by researching, identifying, and providing ways to redistribute wealth in a voluntary and profitable way that benefits everyone who chooses to participate! The mechanisms vary, with some being provided directly by ICED and others through external resources we and our members have identified to address these issues through what is often referred to as The Velocity of Money. Join Free!
The Velocity of Money
ICED strives to stimulate Global Economic Development through the use of The Velocity of Money! That's basically another way of saying money moving through the economy makes money multiply.
As an example of the Velocity of Money concept, let's say a government prints $1, then sends it out to the banks, which put it into circulation. By the time the $1 has changed hands eleven times, it has been taxed at, let's say conservatively, 10%, eleven times. That means it has generated $1.10 in taxes. That's like Economic Alchemy.
Governments print $1 for about $0.38. So, this is a zero cost scenario for the government, yet they've made $1.10 in taxes so far, and the $1 is still circulating, There's no limit to how many times this $1 can change hands, creating 10% in taxes each time.
This is the "Velocity of Money." It's the movement of money, creating money, simply by moving through the economy.
We, as individuals, can't print or tax money, of course. However, we can still benefit from the Velocity of Money. Stock prices, cryptocurrency prices, gold/silver prices, etc... are all affected by the Velocity of Money. We can create a community that embraces the flow of money through our microeconomy in ways that benefits everyone involved.
We cannot expect governments to solve all of our problems. We must be proactive in creating our own solutions to the economic needs of our families, communities, businesses, social services, and indeed, the world. That's the purpose of ICED's rewards systems.
ICED uses the Velocity of Money to reward and foster economic development among our members, their communities, service organizations, and even governments. Join Free!
ICED Membership Levels and Benefits
ICED wants to change people's and institutions' relationships with money. For most of the world's population, money is viewed from a scarcity viewpoint.
Our four membership levels are designed to change this by providing something for everyone, with progressive and cumulative benefits. Each membership level builds upon the last, in terms of direct rewards, bonuses, and private offers available.
Our main goal is to offer opportunities for individuals and institutions in need of raising funds to do so regardless of current circumstances. At the same time, we strive to offer ways for those with discretionary resources to use those resources to create even more income for themselves, while benefiting the entire ICED community, by default. Think of your ICED memberships as profitable philanthropy!
Free Member
Free members of ICED receive lots of benefits. This is where our passion lies. While the paid membership levels are the fuel that propels the velocity of money in our ecosystem, it was the desire to find ways for people with no money to earn money that inspired the creation of ICED. If we had not been able to figure out this piece of the puzzle, ICED would not exist.
Free members receive insightful reviews of many resources, which can help them add multiple streams of income with little to no cost, including 10,000 Banner Impressions and 10,000 Text Ad Impressions from maxviralmarketing ($50 Value) and a Lifetime Pro Membership to 7DayPromos ($19 Value).
Through years of experience, our members have seen pretty much everything and can help weed through the abundance of online offers to help members identify which ones might be a good fit for them. In addition to the projects and resources reviewed on the "Income Boosters" page, members will receive regular updates and reviews by email.
As mentioned, there is an Income Booster page in the back office which allows free members to promote two URLs of their choice, subject to ICED admin approval. We strive to maintain the integrity of the offers and social services presented. There are also other resources and lots of tools and programs to help free members to earn additional income and learn new marketable skills to increase their opportunities.
Free Members can even earn directly from ICED. They will earn 50% ($5) referral fees for referring other ICED members who upgrade to the Supporter membership level.
Supporters pay a $10 one-time membership fee. For this one time fee, Supporters are offered all the benefits of Free Members, plus several additional bonuses for financially supporting our efforts, including the ability to promote up to five URLs in their back office Income Booster, instead of just two that free members can promote. This alone can be a huge income or social cause booster, because by Supporters promoting their ICED referral link, anyone who joins ICED from their link can see the other links they've added in their back offices as well.
Like Free members, Supporters also earn 5% ($5.00) referral fees for referring members who upgrade to Supporter, plus, they also receive 25% ($2.50) on new team members who upgrade to Supporters who were referred by the members they introduced.
Last, but certainly not least, Supporters also receive access to a private passive income source that is only available to paid ICED members. This private and passive income source is separate from ICED. In fact, it predates ICED by two decades. It has been around for a long time and has always been a private offer. Supporters who participate in this offer will receive 10% referral fees for any of their referrals who choose to participate in it. This could be significant, as there have been those who participated in this offer with as much as $60,000 in the past. $5,000-$10,000 is common.
A $10 per month subscription allows Advocates to access even more exclusive benefits. While retaining their Supporter benefits, Advocates will receive access to some excellent training by leading experts in their given fields on a variety of economic and fundraising issues, which can greatly expand their understanding and knowledge of complex issues that can significantly increase their earning potential or fundraising activities. This training can prove invaluable in enhancing members' ability to decern relevant differences in various income producing offers to better determine which ones are right for them.
Also included in the Advocates membership is a three-member wide, by seven-levels deep (3x7), Global Economic Development Team. This team is built community wide, left to right, top to bottom, which allows Advocates to acquire team members who they likely would have never met otherwise. ICED believes that one of the best and easiest ways to build world peace is through global interaction for a common cause. We feel that our Global Economic Development model offers that common cause. The Advocate teams are built in such a way as to encourage international cooperation and community spirit. These teams support each other in various ways, including direct financial rewards. Here's how the monthly membership fees are dispersed throughout the team:
3x7 Global Economic Development Team
1st level pays 3 x $5 = $15
2nd level pays 9 x $0.50 = $ 4.50
3rd level pays 27 x $0.50 = $ 13.50
4th level pays 81 x $0.50 = $ 40.50
5th level pays 243 x $0.50 = $ 121.50
6th level pays 729 x $0.50 = $ 364.50
7th level pays 2187 x $1.50 = $ 3280.50
Total mathematically possible monthly income from a full Team = $3,840.
No referrals are required to earn from new team members joining your team. As long as Advocates maintain their monthly subscription they will earn on members who join their team regardless of who refers them.
Advocates are also offered access to an even more amazing private-passive income offer on top of the other bonuses.
The Ambassadors $20 per month subscription offers members the maximum benefits of ICED membership. Ambassadors will retain their Supporter and Advocate memberships and all the benefits of the previous membership levels plus much more, not the least of which, is another Economic Development Team made up of only other Ambassadors.
The Ambassador Economic Development Teams are based on a three member wide, by twelve levels deep (3×12) personal and global team referral model. This means Ambassador Economic Development Teams stay with the team of those who referred them, but still get paid by the members on their personal team regardless of who referred them.
3x12 Ambassador Economic Development Teams
1st level pays 3 x $10 = $30
2nd level pays 9 x $1.00 = $9.00
3rd level pays 27 x $0.50 = $13.50
4th level pays 81 x $1.00 = $81.00
5th level pays 243 x $0.50 = $121.50
6th level pays 729 x $1.00 = $729.00
7th level pays 2187 x $0.50 = $1,093.50
8th level pays 6561 x $0.25 = $1,640.25
9th pays 19,683 x $0.25 = $4,920.75
10th pays 59,049 x $.25 = $14,762.25
11th pays 177,147 x $0.25 = $44,286.75
12th pays 531,441 x $0.50 = $265,720.50
Total mathematically possible monthly income from a full Team = $333,408. Ambassadors are also offered access to additional benefits, including another truly amazing passive income offer.
Private Offers
Here's a final word on the access to the private-passive income sources available to paid ICED members. These private and passive income sources are separate from ICED. In fact, they predate ICED, in some cases, by as much as two decades. They have all been around for a long time and have always been private offers. The only way to participate is to be invited. ICED members receive invitations based on their chosen membership levels. Those who participate in the current offers will receive 10% referral fees for any of their referrals who choose to participate in the ones they themselves are active in. This could be significant, as there have been those who participated in this offer with as much as $60,000-$100,000 in the past. $5,000-$10,000 is common.
Privacy and Security
Through the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, ICED is able to offer pathways to financial security in a safe and private manner on a global scale, even to those without access to traditional financial institutions.
For those not acclimated to the use of cryptocurrencies or where regulations may prohibit access, ICED may have other resources available depending on where you are located.
Current Cryptocurrency Prices (USD$)
Think Globally!
Act Locally, Regionally, and Globally!
Thanks to the power of the internet, it's easier than ever for individuals and institutions to have a local, regional, and even global, impact. ICED has founding members from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Bulgaria, Holland (Nederlands), Thailand, the Philippines, and England (U.K.). These members make up the core group who inspired and supported the creation of ICED.
Imagine the possibilities!
With just an internet connection and a Bitcoin wallet anyone in the world can start with no money and in a short period of time be receiving 300% rewards!
College students can generate a liveable income around their school schedule.
People in impoverished countries can potentially make much more than the average monthly, minimum wage.
Free members can earn the funds to upgrade to Supporter, and once they've earned $110 as a Supporter, they can upgrade to Advocate, pay their first month's subscription payment and then use the other $100 to participate in the 20% per month offer which will cover their future subscription payments and still have an additional $10 per month profit. This opens even more income streams.
Once they earn another $100, they can now participate in the 200% in 90 days, which gives them $200. At this point they can participate in the 200% in 90 days again and either keep that as profit, or use it to cover the $20 per month Ambassador subscription, and open up even more income streams, including the 300% in 90 days offer.
For members with discretionary funds they can start at higher membership levels, earning significant rewards right away.
A Pay it forward option, where higher level members pay the one-time $10 for free members who they've referred to upgrade to Supporters, could prove to be an excellent strategy. Since the members at higher levels will receive $2.50 for each of the Supporters their team members refer, they could basically hire a salesperson to help build their team for an out of pocket cost of $2.50. How many salespeople would you hire for your team at a one-time $2.50?
If more people get paid well to do good, more good will get done well!
ICED Details
ICED is a decentralized coalition. As such, we have no physical office or official phone number, at this time. The whole idea behind ICED is that members can earn an income from anywhere without the need for such amenities. We are new, so this may change. In fact, we envision a future where we may have offices in all the countries we serve, as a means of providing internet access to those who don't have it otherwise. For now, you may contact us at, plus you can contact our founder, Dennis Gerron at or by text to +1 214-924-1703
Earnings and Income Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by ICED and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There are no guarantees that you will make these levels of income and by participating you accept the risk that the earnings and income results differ per individual. As with any income producing endeavor, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, experience, expertise, and level of effort. Any testimonials presented from team members, were not paid to endorsements, but they do earn compensation from promoting the products and services ICED offers. New team members who choose to promote these products and services as well as their teams may benefit from these activities.